Lakewood Vision

Vision is the ability to think about or plan for the future with imagination and wisdom. Every congregation must periodically take a critical look at itself to assess what works well, where gaps exist, and how new opportunities can be embraced. The world has changed dramatically since our church was established over 70 years ago. In order to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, we must recognize those changes and evaluate how we can evolve in order to extend His love to our neighbors.


The Lakewood Vision Ministry is working to create a hope and a future, for our church and our community. We seek to facilitate a spiritual awakening within our congregation, resulting in a church that mirrors the world around us - today and tomorrow. 

Hope & a Future Schedule

All Sunday classes will be held at 11:00 am in Benz Hall. Online classes will be held the following Monday (or Tuesday) at 7 pm via Zoom. Please visit our Upcoming Events page to register.

Please contact Frank Wood, Lakewood Vision Moderator with any questions.

Living Our Faith | Lifelong Discipleship

Rev Joy Laughridge

Sunday, 08.13.2023 In Person

Monday, 08.14.2023 via Zoom

Sharing the Good News | Intentional Evangelism

Frank Wood

Sunday, 08.20.2023 In Person

Monday, 08.21.2023 via Zoom

Love Our Neighbors | Outward Focus

Elizabeth Ross

Monday, 08.28.2023 via Zoom

Sharing & Developing | Servant Leadership

Michael Sullivan

Sunday, 09.03.2023 In Person

Tuesday, 09.05.2023 via Zoom

The Joy of Worship | Spirit-Inspired Worship

Karen Green

Sunday, 09.10.2023 In Person

Monday, 09.11.2023 via Zoom

Our Family | Caring Relationships

Amanda Nelson

Sunday, 09.17.2023 In Person

Monday, 09.18.2023 via Zoom

Knowing Who We Are | Ecclesial Health

Brian Mitchell

Sunday, 09.24.2023 In Person

Monday, 09.25.2023 via Zoom

Your Hopes & Dreams for Lakewood

Rev Vickie Bossuot

Sunday, 10.01.2023 In Person

Monday, 10.02.2023 via Zoom POSTPONED

Join us daily in prayer.

Click the button below to download the Seven-Day Prayer Card based on the Seven Marks of a Vital Congregation.

Prayer Card
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