Welcome! We're glad you are here.


​Our Mission is to worship the living God as revealed in Jesus Christ, teach the Scriptures, encourage Christian spiritual development, build a fellowship of love and trust, and send forth disciples to serve in the community and the world.

Plan your visit

It is our prayer that you will experience the love of Christ and the warmth & care of Christian fellowship here. Nursery Care is provided for children up to age 3 in room 2 of the Education Building next door. Children (age 4 & up) and youth will be dismissed (during the school year) for Sunday School, also located in the Education Building, after Children’s Time. A Cry Room at the back of the sanctuary is available. If this is your first time with us, please take a Visitor’s Bag from the table in the Narthex. Ushers & Elders will be available if you need assistance or have any questions. 

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